Monster Rack 10-20-30 Mineral Pack

Monster Rack Mineral Pack    Monster Rack Mineral Pack

Calcium (Ca) minimum
Calcium (Ca) maximum
Phosphorus (P) minimum
Salt (NaCl) minimum
Salt (NaCl) maximum
Magnesium (Mg) minimum
Potassium (K) minimum
Manganese (Mn) minimum
Zinc (Zn) minimum
Iron (Fe) minimum
Copper (Cu) minimum
Cobalt (Co) minimum
Iodine (I) minimum
Selenium (Se) minimum
Vitamin A
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E
1000 ppm
2000 ppm
2000 ppm
500 ppm
5 ppm
5 ppm
20 ppm
250,000 IU
25,000 IU
1000 IU


Where To Use

Start your MONSTER RACK MINERAL LICK adjacent to trails, but near cover. MONSTER Bucks don't like to stray far from cover, especially during daylight. Keep in mind, where ever you start your MONSTER Lick, a crater will eventually develop. Try to avoid low lying, swampy areas or water saturated soils because the water will tend to leach the minerals away from the lick. Also try to avoid hill tops. Mid-range ground near good cover with existing deer trails will get you your most usage. If you have a choice between sandy soil vs. clay soil, the clay soil is usually best. Because of the higher porosity present in sandier soils, there will be more of a leaching effect due to water movement (rain and snowmelt) through the soil.

When your MONSTER Lick is first started, the deer may need a few days to get accustomed to it, but once they start using it, you will not keep them away! The apple flavoring in this MINERAL Pack will attract the deer to the site, regardless if a stump is used or not.

How To Use

Select a site.

Clear the vegetation in an area about 5 to 6 feet across. In the center of the area either scrape the leaves or grass aside to expose the topsoil or using a shovel, dig and remove the sod from the center of the area. You will want to create a small depression, which will hold your minerals and avoid runoff, until the deer have had a chance to eat the soil away and create a crater. Once you have created your depression, mix about half of the minerals in this package into the soil in your depression. Scatter the balance of you mineral pack over the top of the soil throughout the depression.

OR Locate a stump that has a hollow center. Clear the vegetation from immediately around the stump and scrape the leaves and grass away, for a foot or two from around the base of the stump. Pour half of this package in to the hollow center and the remainder on the soil around the base of the stump. With the capillary effect of water from rain and snowmelt, the minerals will be drawn down into the stump and into it's root system and leached into the soil around the stump. The deer will eat the soil around the stump and over time will eventually eat the stump too, thereby creating a crater at the site.

Over time and with proper reapplication of MONSTER RACK MINERAL PACK, your deer will literally turn the site into a large crater, and will continue returning to the site for years to come to satisfy their bodies essential mineral requirements.

When To Use

Your MONSTER Lick will be used year round. Most usage will occur from early spring thru early mid fall. In the spring, does are carrying fawns and bucks are beginning antler growth. Through late spring and summer the does are nursing fawns and the buck's antler growth has hit high gear. The fawns and bucks are all putting on body weight which means bone growth. As early fall approaches, all the deer will aggressively be using the MONSTER Lick in preparation for winter when they will get very little from it because the ground will be frozen and under snow. In areas where the ground doesn't freeze or freezes very little, the usage at the lick will continue all winter as well because the does are again carrying fawns and the bucks bodies are preparing for new antler growth again.

That said, your MONSTER Licks should be "recharged" about once a season. This is especially important in the early spring, summer and mid-fall. If your MONSTER Lick is located in an area of very sandy soil, or an area with a very high deer-density, you should re-apply more MONSTER RACK MINERALS more frequently.

Field Tested --- Proven Results

SUN RICH FARM is located in Northern Minnesota, just across the border from the provinces of Ontario and Manitoba, Canada. We are not located in the deep South or on the Gulf Coast like many of our competitors. We know what works in the cold forbidding climate of the north. Sun Rich Farm has been producing premium wildlife feeds since 1987 and over the years has developed feed varieties that deer and upland game cannot resist. Our efforts and dedication to produce a year round total nutritional package for our deer and upland game, resulted in the development of our Cold Climate line of food plot seed, FRIGID FORAGE. Simply put, we were tired of planting that seed from down south that wouldn't make it through one of our winters and our deer wouldn't eat anyway. The response we have received back from you, the sportsman, our customer, has been tremendous. That feedback has resulted in the further development of more year-round nutritional products such as our MONSTER DEER BLOCK,, the highest quality deer food block on the market, and the product you are holding right now, our MONSTER RACK 10-20-30 MINERAL PACK.

Ever wonder why the bucks in northern Minnesota and Canada get so BIG? 250 lb. (and larger) field dressed bucks with massive antlers are common. It's not just the climate, it's the minerals too! With the help of some of the top nutritionists in the world and lots of hard work and effort, the makers of FRIGID FORAGE now brings this world class mineral package to you. The management and staff at SUN RICH FARM are Whitetail hunters and are dedicated to bringing you, the ingredients that are key to producing your own MONSTER BUCKS of the North or South.

If you have any questions regarding the use, site preparations, or maintenance of your mineral lick, contact us at SUN RICH FARM. In addition to knowing the science, our technical support staff are dedicated hunters and outdoorsmen with a passion for hunting big Whitetails and will assist you with your questions and concerns in any way possible.

When using this product, it is important to check and abide by all state and local game laws!

Ingredients: Salt, Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate, Potassium Chloride, Magnesium Oxide, Polysaccharide Complexes of Manganese, Zinc, Iron and Copper, Cobalt Carbonate, Sodium Selenite, Ethylene Diamine Dihydriodide, Vitamin A, D3 and E Supplement, Natural and Artifical Flavors added.

Warranty and Disclaimer - The seller of this product, Sun Rich Farm, warrants that the mineral in this bag or container is as described on the label within recognized tolerances. Except as described in the previous sentence. No Warranties (Whether Expressed, Implied or Statutory) Including, But Not Limited To, Any Warranty of Merchantability Or Warranty Of Fitness For Any Purpose Have Been Made By The Seller in reference to the mineral in this bag or container.